Are You Thinking Too Much?

Are You Thinking Too Much?

We’ve all been troubled by an overactive mind at one time or another. You know, when you let your mind turn over and over your problems, to-do lists, past arguments, mistakes, grudges…. The list goes on and on. After a while, the constant buzzing of thoughts can...
Adrenal Glands & Emotional Health

Adrenal Glands & Emotional Health

Adrenal Fatigue Your adrenal glands play a critical role in mental health. They sit on top of your kidneys and help you cope with stress by producing chemicals such as cortisol, norepinephrine and adrenaline. During stressful periods, your adrenal glands release...
Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky Gut Syndrome

Your digestive system is the seat of your health and keeping it healthy prevents many chronic diseases. Your intestines have a lining that acts as a semi-permeable barrier, controlling what is absorbed into your body from the food you eat. Tiny blood vessels surround...
How Is Your Emotional Health?

How Is Your Emotional Health?

Are you experiencing health issues, fatigue, anxiety or depressive thoughts? You’re not alone. We all struggle with these same challenges from time to time and we all have feelings about what causes our problems. Some people believe their problems are caused by...
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