What is a Health Advocate?
Mirriam-Webster defines advocate as: one who pleads the cause of another; one who defends or maintains a cause or proposal; one who supports or promotes the interests of a cause.
Using this definition, our clients are the ‘cause’ we champion for – Helping them navigate the healthcare system and get the information they need to make informed choices regarding their care.
What is Health Care Management?
We describe this as a coordination of your entire healthcare team. This includes the patient/client and all of their healthcare team (i.e doctors, specialists, family members, hospitals, pharmacists, nurses, social workers, rehabilitation specialists, etc.). This is of vital importance as inaccurate information passed to any of the healthcare team can have devastating results. Proper coordination lessens the likelihood of preventable medical errors which are currently the 3rd leading cause of death in the US.
Are Navita Health Advocate’s Services Covered by Insurance?
At this time insurance does not cover the services offered by Navita Health Advocates. We accept private pay only.
What are Your Fees?
We offer several fee structures to meet the unique needs of our clients. All services to be performed and associated fees are put in writing and signed by both parties before work begins.
What is the Difference Between Your Service and The Hospital Advocate or Ombudsman?
We work for YOU! Others are beholden to their employers but we are only beholden to you. This allows us to navigate the system and advocate only for the care that benefits YOUR best care.
Who Needs Health Care Advocacy and Management?
We all do. Patients typically forget 80% of what their doctor says. The stress and effects of illness, combined with the effects of medication take a tremendous toll on memory and learning. People often see multiple doctors and there is less time to ask questions and have your concerns addressed. These are the reasons why it’s important to have a healthcare advocate, a champion, with the expertise to get the information you need to make your best care choices.
What are Some Examples of the Work You Do?
- I just received a call from my mother’s neighbor telling me that my mom fell at home and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. I live over three hours away. Who can I call for help?
- My father is in the hospital and was just diagnosed with congestive heart failure. The doctors say he will need to make significant life style changes. I don’t even know what congestive heart failure is. What does this mean for he and my mom?
- My mom just had hip replacement surgery and is coming home from rehab next week. She lives alone. What can I do to make sure she’ll be safe at home?
- My dad’s been in and out of the hospital three times this winter with COPD exacerbations. Is there anything we can do to prevent these recurring hospitalizations?
- My parents are constantly going to one specialist or another. Having to take them to all these appointments is making it impossible to live my own life. Is there anyone who can help me manage all this?
Do I need a Health Advocate?
Schedule a FREE CALL so we can talk about how we can work together to create your best life.

© 2016 - 2021 All Rights Reserved. Navita Health Advocates, LLC
1350 Uhler Road PMB 120, Easton, Pennsylvania 18040