Your Part in Our Recovery

Oct 22, 2020

As the weeks have turned into months, have turned into the foreseeable future, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect us all on increasingly deeper levels. Along with its high infectivity and fatality rates, this virus has caused mass hysteria, tremendous economic burden and catastrophic financial losses.

I don’t know about you, but every so often, I’m overcome by a wave of helplessness. I feel like a drop of water in an ocean of heartache and loss – Powerless to effect positive change to help all who are suffering. Recently, however, I’ve felt a glimmer of hope about my role during this challenging time. This is what I’d like to share with you now, and invite you to consider for yourself as your part in our recovery.

When reflecting on what will surely be an unforgettable era of our human history, there’s a part of me that’s grateful and humbled to be alive during this time. We, you and I, are alive here and now for a reason. With this calling comes responsibility. Responsibility to ourselves, to our loved-ones and to our fellow human beings.

It’s really quite simple: My responsibility, and yours, is to do all we can to come out whole at the other end of this pandemic. And to help everyone we can do the same. We all have unique and special talents to apply to this work – whether you’re back at work, working from home, unemployed or just plain stuck at home – your actions, thoughts and intentions matter.

So, I urge you to hang in there. Call a friend, write a letter, say a prayer, help a neighbor, make responsible choices, and stay as hopeful and positive as possible in your interactions with others. Do your personal best to contribute to the new beginning we need to create – New ways of connecting, doing business and creating meaningful lives. I look forward to seeing you all at the other end.

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.”
― Mother Teresa


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